Failsafe-ERA Ministry welcomed Church Leaders and Faith Based Representatives to our very first Failsafe-ERA Council of Churches meeting on Monday, November 25th. Pastor Phyllis Brantley, Ministry Director opened with the intent/mission of the Council and led the group discussion hearing from Mrs. Juanita Shanks, CEO/Founder Failsafe-ERA and Chaplain Jack Richards, Rappahannock Regional Jail. Several reentry citizens were invited to share real life experiences and issues that negatively impacted their return specifically within the church community. We also heard positive stories of resources and support systems a few of our churches are providing to returning citizens. The meeting was Highly Successful and Informative. Everyone was moved to action and motivated to do more. Excited for our next meeting. A special thank you to our partner Pastor Rippert Roberts, Grace Point Fellowship Church for the ordination blessing of the Council.
********************************************* The Church plays a critical role in receiving recently released citizens back into our communities. Indeed, we are called to “let mutual love continue. Hebrews 13:1-3 tells us to "not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it. Remember those who are in prison, as though you were in prison with them; those who are being tortured, as though you yourselves were being tortured."
The above verse along with legitimate concerns from returning citizens inspired Failsafe-ERA Ministry to think intentionally about support from our local churches in the region and how we can collaborate to enhance our programs and efforts on receiving returning citizens into our churches.
We are aware and believe transformation of our brothers and sisters is not going to happen trusting solely on the punitive system, it’s about God’s love and God’s commandment to make disciplines. Accordingly our hope is to provide resources within our churches that are ready to receive re-entering citizens and their families and lend support during transition. #failsafeERAMinistry #2ndchancesupport #Councilofchurcheskeyplayers