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Letter to The Editor: Transitional program helps formerly incarcerated

Published by The Free Lance Star | Nov 28, 2017

Helping former prisoners transition to civilian life

Regarding Mr. Wasim’s Nov. 22 letter [“Convicts can start over again, be better men”], he is right and we are working toward this goal.

FailSafe–ERA, a small local non-profit, was started in order to give returning citizens like Mr. Wasim support and guidance.

The objective of FailSafe’s emerging transitional program is to offer returning citizens the necessary resources and tools such as educational opportunities, access to housing, transportation, health and wellness, and other essentials until they clearly demonstrate that they are on the track to success.

FailSafe wants these individuals to become successful, contributing members of our community, which will result in less crime, successful families, increased tax revenue, and reduced incarceration costs.

With his positive attitude, Mr. Wasim is clearly a candidate for assistance from FailSafe. We look forward to meeting him.

For more information about Failsafe–ERA, please visit our website at

Juanita Shanks

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