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2022 Was A Great Year for FailSafe-ERA

We must have an accountable and comprehensive reentry plan and program in place for justice-involved individuals to rebuild and change their lives. They face multiple challenges and hardships, making social integration into the community problematic and achievement in society often impossible, which is both harmful to the community and expensive for taxpayers. Unaddressed issues often cause increased obstacles in their path to successful reentry into the community, causing a higher rate of recidivism. Thanks to so many of you we were able to provide reentry support and services to 134 returning citizens and inmates and support to 80 families.

  • The Community Foundation of the Rappahannock Region made it possible for us to continue to serve our returning citizens through case management, training, and so much more.

  • The Mary Washington Foundation made it possible for us to increase our support and training opportunities for families impacted by incarceration addressing anxiety, depression, etc.

  • Stafford and Spotsylvania County Board of Supervisors and Fredericksburg City Council supported the service we provide through regional funding, as the Reentry navigator for Planning District 16.

  • Our many donors past, present, and future who gave our clients a second chance at life outside the bars.

  • Our continued and newly established partnerships that help us provide the much-needed wrap around services, i.e., mental health support, substance misuse treatment, housing, etc.

  • Members of our faith community for their prayers, financial support, and volunteer help.

  • My fellow CEOs, Executive Directors, and community leaders for their inspiration and motivation to work together to support and lead our community in the nonprofit world.

  • My Governance Board for their great support, oversight, leadership, and stewardship.

  • Last, but certainly not least, the legs and arms of FailSafe-ERA: our super awesome staff, volunteers, and families. None of what we do would be possible without each one of you.

Most importantly, I thank God!

I wish everyone a very happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year!!!

Juanita Shanks

CEO and President


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